Troop Specifics

In order to facilitate our mission, Troop 2014 requests the following, in accordance with the Guide to Safe Scouting:

SCOUTS: Follow the expectations, rules and guidelines for Scouts, as they appear in your Scout Handbook, and use the Handbook to gain knowledge

SCOUT PARENTS: Support your son on his journey to independence, and enable your son to take responsibility for his Scouting journey

The Scouting Program of Troop 2014
                                                                                                                            Scouting is:
  • A movement that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society, with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills
  • An informal education program with an emphasis on practical skills and knowledge, and teaching these skills to newer, younger Scouts
  • Leading an active and responsible life of service to oneself, one’s family, one’s community, and the world as a whole
  • Making friends and lifelong relationships with others
  • Setting personal goals and reaching them
  • Upholding the moral and ethical code of honor established by BSA
  • Hiking, fishing, camping, cooking, crafts, sports. . . .
  • Experiencing all that life has to offer
  • Having Fun


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