Merit Badge Process

Advancement Coordinator: Gwendolyn Morris Davis

  1. Pick a Merit Badge you are interested in earning. Go to and search for merit badges. You’ll find a list of all the merit badges and their requirements.
  2. Before beginning the Merit Badge, Scouts need to speak with and get a signed blue card from the Scoutmaster.
  3. The Scoutmaster or Advancement Chair can give you the name and contact information of a merit badge counselor.
  4. Contact the Merit Badge counselor. Tell them your name and the badge that you would like for them to help you with. Please remember to be polite in all dealings with counselors. The counselor will instruct you on how and what requirements should be completed.
    **You must always meet with the counselor with a buddy such as another Scout, leader, parent, or friend. Never meet with the counselor without your buddy present.
  5. After all requirements have been completed the Counselor:
  • Completes and keeps Part A of the card for their records.
  • Signs the back of Part B where it asks for “signature of counselor”
  • Completes and signs the back of Part C (top section);
  • Gives the Scout the rest of the card (Parts B and C).
  1. Have a Scoutmaster sign the back of the finished blue card.
  2. Give the completed card (Parts B and C) to Advancement Chair. It is Scout’s responsibility to make sure the blue card is completed and submitted. No merit badges will be awarded without a completed blue card.
  3. You will receive your merit badge and your portion of the blue card at a Court of Honor. It is your responsibility to keep your copy of the blue card in a safe place. You will need it when you go for your Eagle Award.
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