About Troop 2014
Troop 2014 was first chartered in 2014, and continues to serve the West Babylon and surrounding areas.
We are a non-denominational troop whose members represent the wide
diversity of our community and we encourage our scouts to learn from and
respect everyone.
We meet every Wednesday night from 7:15 until 8:45 P.M. at South Bay
Elementary School, located at 160 Great East Neck Rd, West Babylon N.Y.
Our sponsoring organization is American Legion Post 1634, located at 10 Bruce Street West Babylon, N.Y. 11704.
Troop 2014 follows general BSA guidelines in regards to how a troop is run.
The troop is boy-led, giving boys the opportunity to get hands on
leadership experience as they transition through the program.
The adult leadership is to provide guidance and assist the boys in running their program.
As a Boy-Led Troop, there are two sets of leadership, the Adult and Boy Scout
Adult Leadership
The Adult leadership consists of the Scout Master, his Assistant Scoutmasters and Junior Assistant Scout Master.
Boy Scout leadership
The Senior Patrol Leader, his Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, Patrol
Leaders for each of the patrols and an assistant patrol leader for each
The Committee is made up of positions such as treasurer, fundraising,
advancement, and new member to assist in the running of the Troop.